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Laughter is Timeless♥

Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine.


Linda.My birthday falls on the 24th April. I love love love my friends, family, watches, ROXY, the beach, Forever21, star-gazing, horse-back riding, vintage stuffs etc. Life would be perfect if sweatpants were always sexy, junkfood was healthy, nothing was regrettable, mondays were fun, guys weren't confusing, dramas didn't exist, goodbyes were only meant until tomorrow, wishes came true. You can follow me on twitter ---> LiindaNgu or my tumblr blog ---> www.i-juz-do-my-thing.tumblr.com


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Follow me on Twitter♥


Shi Qi



Tuesday 29 January 2013, @ 06:52

Hello. I know my blog is so dead. 

@ 06:52

Thursday 1 November 2012, @ 03:26
Random topics filled with photos ♥

Hello. So I haven't been blogging for quite some time cos I had PMR but it was over like about 2 or 3 weeks ago.


To be honest, I was also kinda lazy to blog but since I've got nothing better to do right now, here I am.

So, lots of things have been happening lately. Just finished band camp last week but it felt like just yesterday I was having a hard time sleeping in the library. Hahaha so yeah. Band camp was quite fun but tiring at the same time. Gonna miss my seniors loads when they retire next year. *cries* Oh yeah, and I received some sweet 'love letters' from band camp :)

'Love letters' to me 

So yeah hmmm anyways right after PMR we had PASCA PMR which is so super darn boring! Literally slept in the hall on the first day of PASCA. But luckily we had band practice on the following days so we got to skip pasca yay :) 

Sleeping zzz

and also, weather's been so hot these days! :( 

My poor umbrella can't even stand the heat! ): [Taken by serene btw]

Hmm what else is there to blog about? Umm oh yeah Taylor Swift's new album RED was out last week! ♥ I loveeeeeeee her new songs especially All Too Well, Starlight, Everything Has Changed and Lucky One. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I love Taylor! She's simply amazing not to mention beautiful ♥ 

Gonna post some beautiful photos of Taylor! 


Yep. Taylor's awesome! Breathe if you agree with me, lick your elbow if you don't ;)

Also, I'm starting to love studded clothes these days. I see them on tumblr almost everyday and they're so cool and classy at the same time. 

Studded shoes 

So yeahhhhhhhhhh. Love them! 

Hmm what else is there to blog about? Umm... oh yes a week before PMR I was at the Spring and I saw this hoodie at Roxy which I fell in love with it was so nice and comfy and its pink and grey a perfect color combination but I did not have enough money with me at that time so I couldn't get it then. I went back to Roxy after PMR and guess what? It was gone. :'( They sent the hoodie back to KL. WHY?! SIGH. 

This is the hoodie I wanted so badly ♥ 

There was also this pretty dress at roxy 

Oh I watched TED the other day at mbo just cos there wasn't any other movie left to watch and you know what? IT SUCKS. All I heard throughout the movie was the eff word..and I don't like hearing that word very much. Seriously. Ted is the first movie I ever regret watching so yeah. 

So happy when the movie finally ended (Y)

Anyways, I actually studied Geo at starbucks a week before PMR cos my little sister wanted me to accompany her at the spring. Hahaha it wasn't that bad was nice studying while at starbucks. :)

I love starbucks (Y)

Mhmm after PMR, I spent 7 hours at Spring with Kim and Serene. Watched a movie, eat and stuff :)

There's no place else to go in Kuching Town besides the Spring :(

Our milk tea! See, no pearls! Healthy-lifestyle. Hahaha k.

Anyway, so my hair is so dull, long and just plain boring right now. :(

Bored of my current hair. (Btw my hair's not exactly this color I just edited it hahaha)

So yeah might get a haircut soon. MIGHT..and maybe have a fringe? Still deciding. 

Okay, next topic. Orchestra performance was on the 25th of August if I'm not mistaken. It was alot of fun and I really missed it. Had a great time with serene and kim and gladys! :) 

Here are some photos of the orchestra performance. PS: All the orchestra photos are stolen from serene yay! 

Tiny microphones attached to our clarinets ;)

Serene and I during rehearsals.

Before rehearsals :)

Before the performance yumms!

During our performance! Photo of the night taken by me  

Taken by serene  

Unforgettable night.

So yeah. Oh I'm gonna miss my Bm tuition and also my Bm tuition teacher. She's been so nice to us! :)

Tuition times.

Stolen from serene (Y)

I miss Sematan btw. 

Sematan beach #memories

Okay thats all for now.......but before I leave Ashley wants me to say this "Ashley is a very very awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee friend not and I can't bear to live without her." 

So yeah. Hahaha bye :) xx

Truck-load of love,


@ 03:26

Friday 13 July 2012, @ 04:15

Hey sry havent been updating lately! 

So exams so soon, so much to study. SIGH.

Had fun at school today :) Hehe kinda. Anyways, vero 'tattoo-ed' my wrists today with the word 'Fearless' on my left wrist and 'Taylor Swift 13' on my right. YAY! :) 

Look at our wrists ;) with marcia, vero, elaine and i forgot who. 


Will update soon or maybe after PMR! xoxo

@ 04:15

Sunday 24 June 2012, @ 00:34
Sungha Jung ❤

HEY! :)

I'M SO HAPPY I GOT TO SEE SUNGHA JUNG LIVE at Kuching International Airport today!

I'm happy! He's so cute and talented and amazing and cute and talented and amazing! Hehehe I love him to bits and pieces and back to bits again!! 

LOVE YOU SUNGHA JUNG ❤ Amazing performance! Thanks for coming to Kuching! Please come again ❤  

Sadly, I didn't take a photo with him. Why? Cos there were too many people and all :( But at least i got to breathe the same air he did! :D 

Omgosh imagine Sungha Jung actually reads my blog! Though i doubt he'll understand a word i'm saying. Okay nevermind imagine he's reading it now! This is what imma say:

HELLO SUNGHA JUNG! I LOVE YOU LIKE ALOTTTTT  :) You're so amazing and cute ❤ I've never really fangirl-ed before so you should be proud! HAHAHA okay what am i saying. I feel like i'm talking to a CUP -_- Anyways LOVE YOU, SUNGHA JUNG. Am still smiling like an idiot hahaha I must be mentally crazy but whatever! :) 

Teehee okay bye! :D


Gonna try to upload the videos i took later.
I loveeeeeeeeeeee you Sungha Jung ❤ ❤ ❤ 

@ 00:34

Friday 15 June 2012, @ 08:36

Hey :)

So just finished practicing my clarinet :) 
Going to sleep soon. My day at school today was quite fun i guess. I enjoyed the public speaking talk by Uncle Mike (I think) very much! Hehe was fun and cool 

Was so bored at home after school :(

Anyways, do you know that feeling like when you're just sad and you don't know exactly why. Yeah feeling like that right now. Maybe its cause i feel like i'm one of the most unlucky people in the world :( Sigh. I'm such a failure. I'll never be good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or talented enough or brave enough..will I? Whats wrong with me? :'(

Hypophrenia: A feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause.

Quote of the day:

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength 

Bye :) 

@ 08:36

Thursday 7 June 2012, @ 10:59
Sematan trip with my lovelies♥ 6/6/12 to 7/6/12

Hiiiiiiiiii :D

Buckle up! This is gonna be a long long post ;)

Anyways, I'm so happy and sad at the same time. Happy that i get to go to the Sematan trip with my friends and sad that its now over and that we'll be waking up to reality pretty soon. Yeah PMR is so asdfghjkl near! :0

The Sematan trip was organized by our teachers. Consists of around 20++ of us. Its sorta of a club trip so yeah. Okay anyways, it was so awesome :) The beach, the pool, the activities, the food, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g :D I love everything about the trip except the miserable fact that the miserable wind blew the miserable sand into my oh so miserable eye which made me feel so miserable! :( Blahhh. BUT it was a good thing i had friends there who well tried to help me get the miserable sand outta my eye but failed -_- It really did hurt when i blinked. But its out now! Teehee. How did i get it out? Well, I guessed the sand washed itself away while i was asleep last night. Did that make any sense?Hahaha. 

Okay, moving on. 
So the first morning of our trip, which was on Wednesday, we gathered at our school car park. Sat there and waited for the bus to arrive. So, then the bus arrived, we got onto it, and left for Sematan. Sat with Kim in the bus. Okay nothing interesting happened on the bus. It took us about 2 hours till we arrived at umm where was it? Sematan town i think. Got off the bus and went to look around. We all spread out to buy something to eat..in our own gang of course. My group/gang whatever you call it consists of um Serene, Kim, me, Voon, Nicole and Vivi. We ended up eating noodles in a small coffee shop. I had kolo mee. Yes, it was tasteless  -_- Hahaha but i wasn't that hungry anyways. Then we all headed back to the bus which then took us to Palm Beach Resort. Oh finally!

Hmm, so then we got down the bus waited for our teachers to arrange the rooms and all that and then we put our bags down, got changed and we went to the beach to take photos and play and stuff. The weather was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold and it was windy. Perfect beach weather! :) The best feeling in the world was when we ran along the beach shore! The wind was like blowing on our face. We were crazy! I meant Kim and me and serene. Hahaha we so the siao. LOL Kim and I ran along the shore like we've never seen the sea before. Ahaha so the sakai i know. Serene was like snapping shots of us. Okay then we joined voon, vivi, nicole, serene (I'll just call them 'lovelies'..i'm too lazy to name them out) Haha okay then we joined Le Lovelies and snap so many photos. The beach was just so...so....so.... PERFECT The feeling was so nice i just don't know how to describe it!

Haha okay then we had lunch i think? I forgot what we had for lunch. Then we took more photos and went back to change for the games/telematch. The weather was kinda hot at that time and we played some games. There were different types of games like the ones which we had to untangle ourselves because we had strings tied to our wrists and we were all like tangled up. If you get what I mean. Haha and then there was the other one where we had to help our group to like help the person in your group to get the chocolate candy in that person's mouth by using something like umm too thin ropes tied to two pencils which acts as the base and you just put the chocolate candies on top of it and pull the thin ropes till the chocolate candies which are on the pencil reaches your mouth then that person has to eat it..and whichever group eats the most wins! My group, also known as group three, yeah we won. Hahaha yay. Okay. I'm so bad at explaining -_- and we had the game where this person crawls to the other person if that person blinks at that person. Blah what am i saying. Nevermind. Idk how to explain..and we played another running game. So yeah lazy to explain. Hahaha. The games were so tiring and i was like sweating it was so darn hot at that time i just felt dehydrated. I wanted to pour a whole tub of cola on my face. Felt like drinking cola at that time! Teehee.

After that we went to our rooms to lie down and stuffs. Oh btw, me and kim totally trashed our 'wardrobe room' or so serene calls it. Hahaha we made a mess out of that room! Shh. Then it drizzled a little bit and the teachers cancelled the hiking/trekking activity. All the more time to do our own stuffs :D So, then Kim and Voon talked me into going for a swim in the pool. But we had no swimwear so we just went into the pool with our tee and shorts! All us 'lovelies' did :) After swimming, we decided to go cycling. Got the idea after seeing Liew Jiek and Angelene cycling by the pool. Haha..so serene, kim and I dried our hair, got changed and went to rent a bike for each of us. There was a double-seater bike. Oh so cute :3 We rode the single seater bikes though. So, i taught Kim and Serene how to ride a two-wheel bike! And now, Kim knows how to ride just a little problem with balancing! :) Serene's not quite there yet but almost! :D Mmhmm cycling was so fun. Sadly, we're not allowed to cycle on the beach so we just cycled at the road and the grass and at the poolside. There was still like a big big big area for us to cycle..and we took more photos! Hundreds in fact! YAY US Hahaha.

After cycling for an hour, we went to have buffet dinner at the restaurant by the beach! Or izzit called a cafe? I don't know. The food there was delicious. The mango juice was so nice and cold and refreshing. Hahaha and we had ais-kacang too. We make our own ais-kacang..yummmmm. Then we went back to our rooms, as usual we took photos and relaxed and stuffs. Then we chatted and chatted and i updated my tweets and then later at about 8pm i think we had a barbecue :3 Took tonnes of photos and ate chicken wings and hot dogs and yeah. We're all so good at eating. I love food :3 Hahaha who doesn't? After the barbecue, we went back to our rooms. Voon and Vivi and Nicole came over to hang at our rooms cos i told them to cos our room is awesome :D Hehe. Oh and amber, pauline, nat and clara came over too. To play cards i think. I didn't play with cards cos i was busy worrying about that miserable sand which was still in my right eye and also cos i was miserably looking around for 3G connection to update my tweets! :( 
Hahaha then we had our bath..and slowly everyone went back to their own rooms to well, sleep of course. Quite late though around 11.30pm i think..as for me and my roommates, serene and kim, we stayed up till about 12 something then we went to sleep. Cindy slept earlier though. Haha oh yeah i brushed my teeth with serene in the bathroom and she took her camera and snapped photos of us brushing our teeth. She is so the siao..Hahahaha

Next morning, which is today, we woke up at 6am to get washed up cos we planned to see the sun rise the night before with voon too. So, we walked to the beach and it was so cold we had to wear our hoodies. The beach was still as beautiful as ever :) Walked along the beach, took tonnes of photos and jump shots and then we went for buffet breakfast at the same place where we had dinner by the beach! :) Breakfast was fine :) Had mini waffles and sausages and fried rice. 

Then, we went to take photos AGAIN :D
Oh and we went cycling again too! Hahaha this time with voon and vivi and nicole :) 

Me, vivi, voon and nicole, we cycled to TOWN! Which means we cycled for about 2km to town and another 2km back to the resort. It was so fun! :) Cycling with friends is one of the best things ever. Okay what am i saying. Haha. After an hour, we came back..Kim and serene and some other friends were still cycling at the resort car park. I followed voon,vivi and nicole to their rooms cos we were so exhausted! Hahaha we relaxed and camwhored with voon's dslr. Then soon, Kim and serene came to join us! And so did Cindy :) Hahaha what fun. Then we went back to our own rooms to pack up.

Then, teacher brought us all to take photos in one of our teacher's special room. Hahaha there was a double-decker bed like a ladder thing for you to climb up. How cute :3
Teehee later we had yummy lunch at the same place. I had spaghetti and it was such a big portion and worth it too :) Voon and nicole ate grilled chicken chop i think and kim, serene and cindy ate fish and chips :) There were all worth it. After that, we went to pack up one last time, said bye to our rooms and headed for the bus which were waiting for us outside. 

Ahh, so i feel like i've already typed a whole novel! Hahaha my fingers are so tired. So, umm we had HEAPS and HEAPS of fun! I miss Sematan, the bicycle, the beach, the food, the sea water, everything right now :'( So many memories made at Sematan with le lovelies. I am happy :') 

I seriously doubt anyone's gonna read every single word in this post up until here. Its so long! Hahaha.

Can't wait for another outing with you guys! Can't wait to be rommies again :') Hahaha love you guys! ♥ 

Oh wait, almost forgot, some pictures! :)

With Liew Jiek  

#thismorning #cold #hoodie

Beautiful beach  

Candid :)

Serene taking a picture through the sunnies i'm wearing! :)

With Kim, Serene and Vivi  


Greetings from us! ;)

The spaghetti I had for lunch! Worth it, no? ;)

Just keep running :)

With Kim  

Jump shot! :D


Starbucks frappuccino ftw! :)

With Voon  

The ais kacang i ate last night  

#Dinner #yummeh


Sun rise  Taken by Kim :)

They're watching tv so cute :3 Haha

Say cheese! ;)

After cycling.

Fish and chips!



Vivi, Voon, me and Nicole :)

Voon and I (Haha our slippers!) 

Smile! :)


Voon's candid shot :)

Serene and Kim running Haha ;)




Liew Jiek 

Us again! 

Serene and I! YES, we have teeth ;) HAHA

Barbecue :3


I miss 6th and 7th June already :')
Haha bye now! x

Lots of love, 
Linda ♥ 

@ 10:59